


Hello, my name is Donna and I’m an international hand model.“A hand model? Really?”Yes – really.大家好,我的名字是Donna .我是一位国际手模。手模?真的吗? 查看全文




夏天来袭,全国各地都架起了烧烤架。(但是)不论你是平日做饭还是举行家庭聚餐,都要注意食品安全。以下是一些夏季烹饪技巧:Barbecue and meat safe handling tips烧烤和肉类安全处理技巧烤肉总是最受欢迎的,例如:汉堡、热狗、排骨、牛排或烤羊肉串等。(但是)生肉里面有时会含有细菌,而生肉中的汁水会污染熟食。因此,生熟食分开放置十分重要。… 查看全文




一家企业从创始的初心就决定了他今后的发展。爱马斯的创立,是从一个男人的目标:为全世界提供全面防护用品开始的。从一间小小的办公室,成长为一个在华盛顿肯特市设立总部,在亚洲有加工厂,在多伦多和亚特兰大有配送中心的企业,爱马斯是成长最快的手套供应商之一。How it all began它是如何建立的"AMMEX has grown from a small operatio… 查看全文




用于食品加工的设备应遵循“危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)”准则,但这些食品安全条例也只能起到最基础的防止食品加工污染的作用。这些设备除了遵循HACCP,还应遵循从高到低的食品安全区域化管理。安全区域化管理制度在各种污染物间建立了物理屏障,这包括洗涤、腌渍和烹饪的分区域管理。该制度不仅适用于个人防护设备(PPE),还适用于加工设备本身… 查看全文




美甲师在(为客人)进行完美的美甲或放松足部的按摩时,(手部)需要保护屏障,以防止自己受到刺激性化学物质和血源性病原体的侵害。在做采购决策时,沙龙的主人不仅要考虑员工的安全,也要遵守美国职业健康与安全管理局(OSHA)的(相关)规定。▪ Headaches▪ Dizziness▪ Skin, eye, mouth, and nose irritation▪ Asthma 查看全文




汽修店为一次性手套以及在汽车维修、清洁及保养过程中所用到的物品提供了市场机会。根据IBIS世界市场调查,在美国大约有26.3万个汽车维修店,雇佣了56万人。如果工人在器械车间内的地板上,一般都会佩戴一次性手套。从更换消声器、制动器到修理引擎,技术娴熟的机械修理工能进行各项操作。操作这些任务时,他们要佩戴手套来保护双手,防止危险材料… 查看全文




(如果)以毫米为单位测量(手套)厚度,基于手套的不同部位(厚度不同)会产生(度量)变化,特别是手掌(比较薄的)部位。(所以)手套行业逐渐转变成以克重为测量单位,而不是用毫米来测量。克重测量规避了因一只手套(不同部位)厚度的变化(所带来的偏差问题)。因为这种转变,专业术语也会有相应变化。另外,比起用厚薄来给(手套)打标签,生产商将会参考重量… 查看全文




Specialty chemicals are produced to serve a specific function and may be composed of a single chemical or a blend. Specialty chemicals often have an influence on the end product in the manufacturing process and are commonly used in the oil industry, agriculture, electronics, construction and consumer goods, such as dete… 查看全文




Given the many uses for disposable gloves, they must undergo rigorous inspection before they are ready for sale. In the automotive, janitorial-sanitation and agricultural industries, workers deal with a number of harsh chemicals, which means the gloves they wear must be proven to provide the right amount of protection. … 查看全文




All automotive vehicles require maintenance, but due to their sheer size, heavy-duty automotive vehicles, such as back hoes, steamrollers, tractors and more, require a significant amount of upkeep.所有机动车辆都需要维修。但由于其体积庞大,重型机动车辆更需要大量的维护,例如:挖掘机、压路机、拖拉机等。Servicing heavy-duty… 查看全文

【爱马斯全球】养老院中的成人护理 Adult care in nursing homes

【爱马斯全球】养老院中的成人护理 Adult care in nursing homes


Nursing homes are a vital resource for elderly people who are no longer able to take care of themselves. In the future, the demand for long-term care organizations will likely increase as baby boomers begin to require these services. According to data from Family Caregiver Alliance, the number of elderly people using lo… 查看全文




Gloves are a necessity in cafeterias around the country to ensure food safety. When people think of food production environments, cafeterias don't often come to mind, but there are many of these establishments around the country. According to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are more than … 查看全文




Although winter is using its icy grip to claw at the early days of spring, warmer weather is coming, and with it comes new trends in hair color. As numerous clients come in seeking a new hue for their hairdos, salons should stock up on disposable gloves.尽管冬天还在用它冰冷的手握住早春的衣衫,但这也无法阻挡天气回暖的脚步… 查看全文




暨技术研讨会(CHINA LAB 2017)圆满落幕! 为期3天的广州国际分析测试及实验室设备展览会暨技术研讨会(CHINA LAB 2017),昨天已经在广州保利世贸博览馆圆满落幕。 在众多展商中,爱马斯展台(展台位:1E10)前异常热闹,前来咨询实验室专用防护手套的人流络绎不绝,现场反响热烈。 新品亮相 查看全文




There are various types of facilities, each of which having numerous applications that require disposable gloves. Within these facilities, numerous tasks - some core to the business and other supporting - are undertaken, and each of these instances requires a certain level of protection. Here are some examples of activi… 查看全文




Due to an increasing number of cases of equine coronavirus (ECoV) in adult horses, horse handlers have been advised to wear disposable gloves and take other precautions to keep the disease from spreading, according to equine health publication The Horse. 根据《The Horse》(研究马匹健康杂志)报道:在马场,成年马感染马冠状… 查看全文




Now that the snow has finally melted and the grass is starting to grow again, many people are starting to think about sprucing up their yards and gardens. Landscaping companies may field a higher volume of calls than normal. Therefore, it is important to have the right gear on hand for landscaping projects. 如今(春天了… 查看全文




Introducing AMMEX Gloveworks Heavy Duty Green Nitrile爱马斯工业级Gworks重型橙绿色丁腈手套Introducing our newest nitrile glove, AMMEX Gloveworks HD Green, a premium heavy-duty glove that provides the toughest protection for demanding industrial applications.我们的这款最新的爱马斯工业级重型Gworks重型橙绿色丁腈手套---为苛刻… 查看全文




workplace safety is no accident. In fact, occupational accidents and injuries affect every industry and can majorly impact an employer’s bottom line. Businesses spend $170 billion a year on costs associated with occupational injuries and Illness. However, workplace accidents can be substantially reduced with a solid … 查看全文




Safety is no accident. Safety affects everyone in every industry. In fact, workplace injuries and illnesses significantly impact everyone whether it’s – employers profits, workers health or rising insurance costs for consumers. However, accidents are preventable with safety protocols, proper training and safety prod… 查看全文