
Due to an increasing number of cases of equine coronavirus (ECoV) in adult horses, horse handlers have been advised to wear disposable gloves and take other precautions to keep the disease from spreading, according to equine health publication The Horse. 

根据《The Horse》(研究马匹健康杂志)报道:在马场,成年马感染马冠状病毒(ECoV)病例越来越多,因此建议马匹饲养员佩戴一次性手套,并且采取其他预防措施来防止该疾病的传播。

The virus is more common in foals, but data from Cornell University's Animal Health Diagnostic Center confirmed higher prevalence rates between July 2013 and May 2014. Horses can suffer gastrointestinal diseases as a result of ECoV, which spreads among horses via fecal-oral transmission. 


The source noted ECoV is highly infectious, and horses can shed the virus in their waste for weeks after showing signs of illness. Consequently, handlers should take the appropriate biosecurity measures, including wearing gloves, hand washing and disinfectant foot baths. These practices should be implemented for some time if handlers suspect horses at their facilities have contracted ECoV. 

据报道,马冠状病毒(ECoV )具有高度传染性,马匹在感染后数周才出现发病迹象。因此,饲养人员应该采取相应的安全措施,例如:佩戴手套、勤洗手、消毒(马匹)洗脚池等。如果饲养人员怀疑马棚设施内含有该病毒,那么安全措施应该维持一段时间。

Gloves serve as a barrier between handlers and the virus. If they touch a sick animal with bare hands, they can transfer the virus. By properly donning a new pair of gloves for each horse and stall, handlers can help prevent the spread of ECoV. 

手套作为饲养员和病毒之间隔离屏障。如果人徒手触摸生病动物,那么他也会传染病毒。而在处理每匹马时,适当地更换一副新的一次性手套,能有效防止马冠状病毒(ECoV )的传播。

In the event handlers must take care of healthy and sick horses at the same time, the American Association of Equine Practitioners suggests handlers tend to healthy horses first and dispose of all barrier clothing immediately after caring for sick horses. 



Due to a rise in the number of equine coronavirus cases, horse handlers should stock up on disposable gloves to use when taking care of sick horses. 


上一篇: 【爱马斯全球】春天是园丁最繁忙的季节 下一篇:【爱马斯全球】手套在不同场所的多种用途