


WHAT IS BIODEGRADATION?什么是生物可降解?Biodegradation is a process by which microbial organisms transform or alter organic matter introduced into the environment through metabolic or enzymatic action. This is carried out by an assortment of bacteria, fungi, insects, worms, and other organisms that decompose biodegrada… 查看全文




爱马斯手套健康 卫生 安全关注When employers require their employees to wear disposable gloves, they must ensure the proper glove material and size are used. If not, workers may neglect their compliance responsibilities.当雇主要求雇员戴一次性手套时,他们需要选择合适的手套包括材质和大小。否则,工人可能就不会戴手套。 查看全文




爱马斯手套健康 卫生 安全关注While you may be aware of how various applications call for different disposable glove materials, how much do you know about glove textures?虽然你可能会意识到不同领域中(手套)的应用需要不同的一次性手套材料,(但)你对手套的纹理又知道多少呢?How to describe glove textures 查看全文




爱马斯手套健康 卫生 安全关注When working with certain abrasive chemicals, you need to understand the chemical protection that particular glove materials offer. In addition, length of exposure, conditions and chemical concentration impact the performance of the glove. 工作中,接触某些具有腐蚀性化学物质时,你需要了解不同材… 查看全文




2018 FIFA World CupOn the surface, the commercial cleaning services market appears to be in relatively robust health. In fact, the sector is expected to be worth $74.3 million globally by 2022. Why is it, then, that few managers of the 54,000+ independent building service contractors (BSCs) in the U.S. will be celebrati… 查看全文




爱马斯手套健康、卫生、安全关注In the search to create menus that convert, food service operators know that the “farm to fork” narrative resonates well with customers, meaning a large proportion of the budget is allocated to higher-value proteins and fresh produce. But for their specialist suppliers, dependent on a lim… 查看全文




爱马斯手套健康、卫生、安全关注Digital technology and automation might have been slow to make their presence felt in the commercial cleaning industry, but adoption is now rapid given the cost and efficiency benefits delivered. In some cases, technology innovations are not simply being adapted to suit buildings—they are … 查看全文




爱马斯,手套品牌领导者Given the many uses for disposable gloves, they must undergo rigorous inspection before they are ready for sale. In the automotive, janitorial-sanitation and agricultural industries, workers deal with a number of harsh chemicals, which means the gloves they wear must be proven to provide the right … 查看全文




爱马斯,手套品牌领导者When working with certain abrasive chemicals, you need to understand the chemical protection that particular glove materials offer. In addition, length of exposure, conditions and chemical concentration impact the performance of the glove. 工作中,接触某些具有腐蚀性化学物质时,你需要了解不同材料手套… 查看全文




Why Nitrile Gloves are Best for Dairy Farming为什么丁腈手套最适合乳牛养殖业?Disposable gloves have many uses in agriculture, especially when it comes to dairy farming. Nitrile gloves, for example, are perfect for this application.一次性手套在农业上,用途非常之多,特别是在乳牛养殖业。如丁腈手套,就非常适用于该行业。Acco… 查看全文




A look at the top food service trends for the year ahead reveals the resilience of the industry in the face of economic or political uncertainty. Faithful to the principles of the so-called “lipstick effect,” consumers might be prepared to tighten the belt in some areas, but remain reluctant to sacrifice simple pleasu… 查看全文

【爱马斯全球】工作中使用正确的手套: 食品加工

【爱马斯全球】工作中使用正确的手套: 食品加工


Workers in the food processing industry should be required to wear disposable gloves to protect consumers who eat the foods they handle.食品加工服务人员需要穿戴一次性手套来保护客人。 Workers come in contact with a variety of foods, which can carry bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses such as listeria and salmonel… 查看全文




关于一次性手套收益,清洁行业显示数据最低,但是对于经销商来说,这并不意味着它不是目标市场。事实上,清洁行业在所有行业中,增长潜力位居第二,这表明扩大市场时机成熟。清洁行业人员使用手套的原因有很多种,包括保护手部避免接触危险的化学用品和病原体。此外,他们平均每天使用15副手套,与医疗、牙科及食品工作者使用量相当。在清洁行业,… 查看全文




Wood stains come in a variety of compositions and consistencies. Some are semi-transparent, and others are intended to create a thick coating over the wood. Because of the variety of products on the market, specific stains may have multiple hazardous chemicals in them. Here are some chemicals commonly found in wood stai… 查看全文




你知道吗?仅在2012年,在工业安全及化工这种类型的行业,一次性手套达到史上最高收益,与医疗和牙科行业并驾齐驱。在这一年的(手套)工业相关市场,这种行业可谓是头号竞争者,分析师还预计,2022年,该行业手套收益将保持第二高的水平。尽管工业领域很广阔,但是只有一个关键点永恒不变:化学防护。这就是为什么在这个行业,丁腈材质的手套(使用量… 查看全文




你知道(在美国)从事医疗和牙科行业的医护人员,平均每天要使用15副一次性手套吗?一年(累计起来)就是3960副!当提到一次性手套,人们通常想到的是医生或护士手上戴乳胶手套(的画面)。的确,医疗行业是一次性手套的最大市场之一,但并非所有的手套都是由乳胶制成的。由于乳胶过敏率的上升,越来越多的诊所正在寻找乳胶替代品。这为同时拥有乳胶手套和… 查看全文




保障工作环境的安全并不是件容易的事情,特别是在拥有各种潜在风险的工业环境中。在工业行业,工作场合可能引发滑到,摔跤,机械设备的危险或有毒化学物质。尽管建立起一个安全的工作环境是项艰巨的任务。但是,从长远上来讲,准备好合适的安全装备要比处理工伤划算的多。The costs of an unsafe workplace为不安全的工作环境所付出的成本准备好个… 查看全文




Randy从事汽修工作已经多年,却很少留意自己的健康。他经常性地感觉到疲劳,但他却认为这是大多数机修师在辛苦工作后常有的现象。在他所在的行业,生病似乎成了常态。直到疾病发展成了更严重的感染,身体开始拒绝各种抗生素时,他才意识到可能是哪里出现了问题。Randy去看了专家医生,得知他患上了罕见的白血病!这是他长期直接接触各种化学溶剂的… 查看全文




You wake up to the sound of your blaring alarm. Its 5 am and the sun blares into your bedroom through the window. You pull yourself through the motions of the morning: taking a hot shower and dressing for the upcoming work day. The clothing you pull over your body is made from woven flame-retardant fibers and is highly … 查看全文

【爱马斯全球】不能没有手套之干洗化学品的危害 (节选)

【爱马斯全球】不能没有手套之干洗化学品的危害 (节选)


从事干洗工作的人员需要格外小心,因为他们会经常接触一种烈性化学物质:氯乙烯。What’s the risk of dry cleaning chemicals?干洗化学品的风险是什么? 查看全文