【爱马斯全球】不能没有手套之干洗化学品的危害 (节选)

      Workers in the dry cleaning industry need to be particularly careful as they come into frequent contact with a harsh chemical called perchloroethylene.


  Perchloroethylene is a non-flammable, colorless, volatile organic compound frequently used in dry cleaning applications. It is also known as tetrachloroethylene, PCE and PERC. While dry cleaning fabrics is the most common use for PERC, it is also used to manufacture other chemical-based products.

  氯乙烯是一种不可燃、无色的挥发性有机化合物,常应用于干洗行业。也叫作四氯乙烯, PCE和PERC。干洗材料最常用的就是PERC,它经常用来作为生产其他化学物质。


  What’s the risk of dry cleaning chemicals?


  PERC is the most common solvent used in dry cleaning which makes the serious health risks it poses to workers even more concerning. If employees regularly breathe in vapors or their skin comes into contact with the substance they can experience a variety of side effects; exposure may immediately lead to dizziness, blistering or irritation of the skin. Over time, exposure may cause loss of coordination, memory loss and delayed reaction times. Some studies have indicated PERC leads to an increased risk for many types of cancer. Several organizations, including the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the National Toxicology Program and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), have classified PERC as a probable human carcinogen. Employees with heart, liver, kidney or lung diseases are at a heightened risk of the effects of PERC.




  How can employers combat PERC exposure?


  Although most PERC-related health problems are caused by inhalation, the chemical may cause irritation after direct contact with the skin. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has workplace regulations in place to limit PERC exposure. Employers should adhere to these regulations in order to protect their workers. Part of adhering to these regulations is having the right protective gear on hand.


  Industrial-grade latex and nitrile gloves protect workers who handle PERC from skin contact and face masks can minimize respiratory exposure. It is important to ensure the face masks employees are using are rated N95 by NIOSH to ensure a high level of protection for employees.


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