


Given the many uses for disposable gloves, they must undergo rigorous inspection before they are ready for sale. In the automotive, janitorial-sanitation and agricultural industries, workers deal with a number of harsh chemicals, which means the gloves they wear must be proven to provide the right amount of protection. The same is true for medical applications, where employees need a safe barrier against pathogens.


As such, manufacturers use extensive testing to determine which applications aglove is appropriate for, with medical-grade gloves having higher standards.Here's an overview of the process:


Standards for minimum quality


Glove inspection is based on acceptable quality limits (AQL). For this product, the

U.S. Food and Drug Administration sets this standard, and the testing methods for AQL are from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), a firm that creates standards for various industries across the world.


AQL is a method that applies to batches of gloves and functions as a percentage. For example, in a batch of 100 gloves with an AQL of 3.0, only three gloves in the batch can fail the test. For medical-grade gloves the AQL is 1.5 or lower. If more than three gloves fail, the entire batch does not meet the standard. In this case, manufacturers will review the manufacturing process to determine what requires adjustment.

AQL是在百分比中测试手套功能的一个方法,适用于批量检测手套。例如,同一批次100只手套的AQL检测标准数值是3.0,说明100只手套最多只能有3 只手套被测为不合格。医用手套的AQL标准是 1.5 或更低。如果超过 3 只手套被检测为不合格,整个批次就不符合标准。在这种情况下,制造商将审查手套的制造过程,来确定哪一步骤需要调整。

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(考虑到医疗领域的风险,医疗级手套的 AQL 值会很低)

Testing methods for gloves


Glove quality testing involves various inspections. The pinhole leak test, which checks for barrier integrity, is one that determines whether gloves are suitable for medical applications. This is because even the smallest breach in the glove material permits wearers from exposure to pathogens. In this test, manufacturers fill the gloves with one liter of water, close the gloves at the cuff and hang the gloves upside down. Gloves that do not have leaks during the testing period are acceptable for medical applications.


One interesting fact aboutdisposable glove testing and AQL is manufacturers typically producemedical-grade and industrial-grade gloves on the same line. Althoughindustrial-grade gloves also pass standard quality testing by the manufacturer,they are not required to undergo FDA testing for medical purposes.


Thisis not to say industrial-grade gloves are not of safe quality, but it is simplya cost-efficient way for manufacturers to produce both types of gloves whileproviding the appropriate level of quality. Medical-grade gloves have higherAQL standards.


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