
  Where a company goes all depends on where it starts, and we at AMMEX come from one man's goal to provide comprehensive barrier protection to the world. Expanding from a small office to a headquarters in Kent, Washington, production facilities in Asia and distribution centers in Toronto and Atlanta, AMMEX is one of the fastest-growing glove suppliers.


  How it all began


  Like many businesses that started out small, AMMEX had inauspicious beginnings. Fred Crosetto, a 24-year-old law student from Seattle, started the company in March 1988. While Crosetto had a clear goal in mind, which was to address a growing demand for industrial barrier protection and infection control products, he did not understand what it would truly take to build an international company between the U.S. and Asia.

  就像很多企业都是从小规模开始创办一样,爱马斯刚开始也并不顺利。1988年3月,Fred Crosetto,一个24岁的法律系学生在西雅图创办了这家公司。当时,Crosetto的目标很明确,满足工业及医疗行业日益增长的防护需求,但他并不清楚在美国和亚洲建立一家国际化公司会面临什么困难。

  "AMMEX has grown from a small operation to an international business."


  Rapidly expanding into a leading glove supplier


  The spring of 1990 began a string of firsts for AMMEX.


  Crosetto opened the retail business in May 1990, sold 50 cases during the first month and did all this by making deliveries with a borrowed van. He also ferried gloves in a 1989 Nissan Sentra, 17 cases at a time.

  1990年5月,Crosetto 开始了爱马斯零售业务。第一个月,靠着一辆借来的厢式货车完成了50箱订单的配送业务。他还曾用一部1989年的日产尼桑轿车完成了17箱手套的配送。

  AMMEX's first office/warehouse opened in early 1992, and in early 1993, AMMEX received the delivery of our first full ocean container


  Where AMMEX lives today


  In July 1994, AMMEX acquired Sime Health, a 12,000-square-foot facility located in Seattle. Not only did business double overnight, but this first acquisition lead to what would become our first headquarters in Kent.


  While our headquarters is in Kent, AMMEX now has an international presence. With Crosetto leading the way with an attitude of "it can be the right time and the right place, but you still have to do something about it," AMMEX opened warehouses in Atlanta in 1996 and another in Toronto in 2009. AMMEX continued to grow internationally when we opened our Shanghai operations, which included Shanghai Intco Medical Supply, in January 2005. We also have our AMMEX Weida Health and Safety Supply business Xiantao, Hubei, China.



  AMMEX has grown from a small operation to an international business.


  AMMEX is now a leading distributor in health, hygiene and safety supplies in the China market. Further expansion has included production, procurement and other facilities across Malaysia and the Philippines. One of AMMEX's strengths is a deep and extensive network of suppliers across China and Southeast Asia. These relationships have and will continue to play a key role as the global growth of this market is only increasing.


  AMMEX has grown significantly since our small office in Bellevue, Washington. We have been listed on Washington's 100 Fastest Growing Private Companies an astounding eight times; are one of the largest privately held companies in the state of Washington; and have been voted one of Seattle Business magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work for. However, we have not forgotten our founder's initial mission. In these past 29 years, we expanded our product lines and international presence and are proud suppliers of a wide selection of disposable gloves and personal protection equipment to thousand of distributors in a variety of industries around the world.


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